A Vested Interest - Book 1 of A Vested Interest series

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Dark Secrets - Book 2 of A Vested Interest series
No Secrets - Book 3 of A Vested Interest series
Stones, Stars and Solutions - Book 4 of A Vested Interest series
Leap of Faith - Book 5 of A Vested Interest series
Regret and Retribution - Book 6 of A Vested Interest series
Consequences - Book 7 of A Vested Interest series
Ashes to Ashes - Book 8 of A Vested Interest series
Dust to Dust - Book 9 of A Vested Interest series
Raging Storm - Book 1 of Blood of the Rainbow - an A Vested Interest prequel series
Roses and Regret - Book 2 of Blood of the Rainbow prequel series
Choice and Change - Book 3 of Blood of the Rainbow prequel series
A Vested Interest - Book 1 of A Vested Interest series
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You can find some short stories by John at Amazon

All three are very short.

All are about time travel.

All are a little silly.




It was a dark and stormy nightIt was another dark and stormy night

It wasn't a dark and stormy night - Titanic Time

Coming soon is a collection of all these stories including a fourth story with the explanation for the Marie Celest and Leonardo da Vinci

Also by John

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Immortality Gene
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